Connect WellSky data to the Data Platform


Connect WellSky Resource Data to the Platform!

Method: WellSky OpenReferral API

WellSky has recently enhanced their “Community Services Provider API” feature that enables 211s to connect their resource data to the National Data Platform (NDP). The API generally aligns to the Open Referral Human Services Data and API design and specification. WellSky customers can identify the scope of data available through the API, therefore, controlling the data pushed from WellSky to the NDP. WellSky system users connect their data to NDP following these steps:

  1. WellSky customer creates a case requesting to add the “Provider API” to their agreement; this will begin the process for WellSky to provide an Order Form for this new feature. (note: there is an annual cost charged by WellSky for the API)
  2. Once the signed Order Form is received from the customer, WellSky will enable the API feature within the WellSky customer's system
  3. WellSky customer chooses whether to provide their full resource dataset (or a subset) to the NDP through the API by notifying WellSky which Resource Groups should be accessible to the NDP. (note: only data records that have 'status', 'operational' and 'show on public site' values set to 'true' (i.e. checkbox clicked) will be accesible through the NDP. In addition, the NDP access all Providers through the Community Services Provider API where permissions are assigned to the “UWW NDP API” user via the Reporting Group.)
  4. WellSky provisions to the customer the API credentials (e.g., a tenant ID and key) that permits access to the selected data through the API
  5. 211 customer provides the NDP support team with these credentials (e.g., tenant ID and key) to connect the API to the NDP
  6. NDP Support Team configures the NDP to automate a scheduled 'pull' of data from the API into the NDP
  7. NDP Support Team reviews a sampl of resource records with the 211 for accuracy and completeness
  8. The 211 can then access all NDP resource features for sharing, publishing, searching, exporting and viewing their resource data

Method: Import AIRS XML (deprecated - no longer available for new connections)

211s using WellSky can request from WellSky an export of their resource data in XML (AIRS XSD) format. The National Data Platform includes an interface that maps AIRS XSD formatted data to the platform's structure/format. After WellSky has created the XML export, 211s log into their NDP account, and upload the exported data. From there, data is automatically imported and made availble through the platform's APIs.