Steps to Connect your 211 to the Platform!

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Get Up-and-Running Quickly in Seven Steps!

This page lists the steps required to get your 211 organization connected to National Data Platform. And, immediately below is a video that walks through these steps, registering a fictitious organizatoin, 211 Bedrock. To view a specific step, click on 'view video' link within the step.

Step 1: Review and Sign the 211 National Data Platform Agreement

United Way Worldwide, in colloboration with the 211 Accelerator Group, has developed a standard data sharing agreement that sets out the terms and responsibilities for contributing, sharing and managing data on the National Platform. An authorized 211 organization representative enters into the agreement with United Way Worldwide. An unofficial copy of the agreement can be seen here. For an official copy of the agreement, contact your 211 National representative at United Way Worldwide. A fully executed agreement is required before a 211 organization can proceed to the next step - register your organization on the platform. For more information or questions regarding the agreement contact Kevin Claybon, Senior Vice President Data Insights and Research, United Way Worldwide.

Step 2: Request a Registration Code

Before you can register your organization with the National Data Platform, you will need to request a registration code. A registration code is used to confirm your organization's identity. Getting a code is quick and easy. Simply fill out this short electronic form, and a code will be emailed to you within 24 hours.

Step 3: Register your Organization

An organization account is used to manage, secure and access your data on the platform. When you register your organization, you select the display name for your data and designate an administrative contact. To register your organization on the platform, click here. You will receive an automated email that includes information on your registration, and administrator account with a temporary password. (Note: An authorization code is required to register your organization. If you do not yet have a code, go to Step 2: Request a Registration Code).

Step 4: Contribute your Data to the Platform

A storage account was automatically created when your registered your organization. Your organization's data is secured in this storage account. The National Data Platform enables 211s to contribute data created/managed using several resource management products, such as iCarol, RTM, VisionLink, etc. Instructions specific to each product is available from the 'Integrations' menu, located in the top navigation menu bar. Select your vendor from the menu, and follow the instructions to contribute your data to the platform.

Step 5: Participate in Orientation and Training Sessions

Now that your data is available through the platform, it is time to learn about the features and benefits that your 211 has access to. As part of the onboarding process, your 211 will have the opportunity to meet virtually with a member of the NDP support team for orientation and training. You will learn the key capabilities of the system, and understand how the platform can support you in pursuing new project and revenue opportunities that leverage your data. To view a general overview of the platform (presented in a town hall session in Fall 2021), click here. For a technical overview of the platform (presented in town hall session - part 2), click here.

Step 6: View your Data using Testing Tools

The Platform includes a keyword and guided search tool that enables your to view your contributed data. All 211 data is transformed to align closely with the Open Referral data specification to ensure a consistent structure and format to 211 data, regardless of 211 source or vendor product used. You can access the search tool from the Resources menu or click here. To learn more, click here.

211s can connect, analyze and report on their resources data using industry-leading solutions such as Tableau, Power BI and Excel. 211s that export their contact data to the National Data Platform can also use these tools to analyze their report data. The NDP's architecture and security features enable 211s and authorized third-parties to easily connect to their data, providing best-in-class analytical and reporting services. Learn more about accessing your data at Analyze your Data, under the Get Started menu.

Step 7: Access and Share your Data using the Platform's APIs

After your data has been contributed to the platform, you can access (or allow others to access) your data (or subset of your data) using the National Data Platform API Developer Portal, located here. The Developer Portal provides you, your data partner, data consumer and/or development team with easy, but secure, access to your data. From the portal, users can read documentation and blog posts, view videos on how to get started quickly, explore the resources repository using interactive visualizations, and test out API operations.