Connect VisionLink data to the Data Platform


Connect VisionLink Resource Data to the Platform!

211s using VisionLink can connect their data to the National Data Platform using VisionLink's API builder tool.

Request an API Key from VisionLink

Step 1:   VisionLink has an embedded builder tool that is used to map VisionLink data fields to a VisionLink API. A 211 must map their data to the VisionLink API, and when complete, the National Data Platform connects that API to automatically pull data into the platform. 211's using VisionLink work with the 211 Data Platform support team to complete the mapping (note: VisionLink support may be required by 211s that have not used the VisionLink builder tool).

Step 2:   Once the mapping is complete, you request a key from VisionLink, then email that key to the 211 support team. We then take it from here. We configure the Platform to automatically connect to VisionLink's API, and import your resource data. All system-level fields provided by VisionLink can be imported. Custom fields may also be imported, but will require a bit more configuration on our end. Data can be scheduled for refresh on a regular basis. We recommend refreshing either weekly or monthly. Let us know your preference, and we will add this to your configuration.

That's it! You are done. Your resource data will be imported automatically on the schedule you have designated. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us by email at